There are three stories in this. I will do my best to give everyone an insight to everything that is included in the manga. The main character in this story is Matsumoto. She has three days til she has to take a make-up test and pass to high school. She decides to ask Ando, our guy main character, to tutor her so that she doesn't fail her test. Well, Ando isn't your normal good looking anime guy character that all the girls just fall in love with upon seeing him. Nope. Ando is emo looking and scares off all of the girls, until Matsumoto gives him a bit of hair advice. He turns from emo scary looking guy, into smoking hot guy overnight.
See the difference. Pretty hot right!? Well, anyway he continues trying to help her, but his dashing good lucks make it pretty much impossible for him to really help Matsumoto-san out. Well, Matsumoto, not wanting to be a burden, decides that it would be best if he just left her alone because she doesn't want him to be obligated to help her. Well, guess what? This is a love story so of course that's not the case with him and he ends up going right back to her. Why? Because he is sad that they might not be able to hang out. This manga was...okay if you ask me. The other stories in the book are way better than this one.
So, Stand By Me
So this story is about the two twins and the girl. It's kinda like all these stories usually end up, except the fact that I really liked this one. Though, the ending could have been better since the story just like ended. They gave a sense of the person that she decided that she was going to pick, but at the same time they never gave us a straight confession or anything. It just ended, leaving me kinda angry, upset, and wanting more. In the story, Sakumi, the girl, ends up falling in love with Souta, the older twin. Well, when they are older, Sakumi just can't understand why it seems that Souta is avoiding her and never hangs out with her. She always ends up having to hang out with Ryouta, the younger twin. Well, one day Sakumi and Ryouta go over to Ryouta's house and find that there is a girl there. Turns out to be Souta's girlfriend that he never told anyone about. Sakumi, of course can't understand it, but tries to go ahead and put forth the effort. To tell you the truth, Souta at this point seems like such a jerk to me. That's just me. The way he was like, I do like peppers. I don't have any clue what your talking about blah blah blah. I just made me want to go over there and punch his lights out and say shut up. If he didn't like them when he was younger and still didn't like them when he was older, what happened? What happened to have him all of a sudden just love hot and spicy things now? SUCH A MEAN PERSON!!! He probably knew that Sakumi was hurting inside. I'm sure that he could see that she was really hurt about the fact that she didn't know anything about this girl, and im sure that he knew her feelings for him. To do something like this is just cruel. Anyway though, Sakumi actually gets a chance to talk to Souta about everything. Souta pretty much tells her that he was trying to put distance between them so that she could go out with his younger brother because they seemed like a better match. Then he said that there was no way that he was leaving his girlfriend because he really liked her. Man. Poor Sakumi right. This story just made me feel all types of emotions because usually you would think that things would work out the regular manga love story way, but this story put a twist to things. But the thing about the end is the fact that we didn't get an ending. Would I recommend this book to people? Yes. But it's not that great of a book...
Green Days
This has to be the only best book in this manga. It has it's flaws and things like that but still. It's the best one of the stories that I have read so far. It gives a good ending, plot, and love story. Rui, the main girl character, and Akito, the main boy character meet by sheer chance in middle school, when she was shunned from all of the girls. Why? Because everyone was all over her for stealing Nana-chan's boyfriend and being a bad friend. Of course everyone believed the boyfriend instead of Rui. The boyfriend blamed her in front of everyone saying that she was trying to come on to him. Just goes to show that Rui didn't have a very good friend. To even be considered best friends is a straight joke to me. I can tell you right now that if my best friend was ever in that situation, or even if I was in that situation, I would believe my best friend before I ever believed my boyfriend. Of course I would hear both sides of the story. But still, I think I would know my best friend and know that she would never do something like that. But, you know how some girls and friends can be. Anyway though, she ends up befriending Akito, who was the only person that was nice to her ever. Then they went to a new highschool. TOGETHER! The odds of that happening, slim to a million for someone to actually want to go to the same place as you. It didn't put up any red flags to me, until like now while im sitting here writing about the book. I should have seen that he did it for love of course. Well, Rui meets a girl that becomes her best friend. Hiro, her friend, tells Rui that she likes Akito. When Hiro confesses to Akito, she is shot down. Well, Hiro doesn't want to lose another friend, and decides to hide her feelings about Akito. Akito continues to avoid Rui. Rui soon can't stands it and runs to meet Akito and tell him her feelings. I thought this was a very good and thought out story and gives you something to go for. It gave you the sense of anger for wanting her to tell her friend that she liked him when they were talking about everything. The story is totally recommended. I know I recommend a lot of things but I just really like this story a lot. It's a classic romance almost.
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