Talk about a creepy book that will have you scared out of your mind, this would be one of those books. I have read a good amount of horror manga, but this has to be one of my fave. It's at least on the top ten things to read in the horror genre. So the whole deal is this, you find this lolita looking woman in the trash. The thing to do though is not try to help her or say anything to her. She asks one question to you and one question only. "DO YOU HAVE A SISTER?" Now. Everyone just sit and think about this question and answer it. Would you answer the woman in the trash? Would you tell her that you do or don't? Well, either answer would be bad of course. That's how she works. The only way to win and not be cursed by this trashy woman is to just walk away. Walk away and never answer her.
She came Kazuki is like scared out of his mind pretty much, since he has continued to see her and heard the rumors of an ancient legend about the lolita girl wanting to be his sister. Well while he was sleeping, just like any stalker lady, she came into his house and claimed him as her brother. Why? Because he was nice to her and she liked his kindness. According to that legend, he shall get a twisted death dealt by the hands of his lolita sister. How sweet! Well, she has a key to his apartment, so getting in to see him wouldn't be a problem at all anyway right :)
Anyway, Kazuki's real sister, Hikari, came to town or came over. She had went out to buy some groceries and Kazuki was hysterical asking her questions and told her to stay away from the apartment. She thought it was nothing but fun and games and of course went anyway. Though why she did, who knows...If my brother was hysterical and yelling at me like something was pretty sure I wouldve ran 10 miles down the street or even ran and met up with my brother. That's what a regular person would have done. And then, if you hear things coming from inside the apartment, that's not an invitation to go inside. That's an invitation to get the heck out of there.
So she goes inside the apartment, making herself comfortable and everything, while im sure her poor brother is worried sick and trying to make his way over there as fast as he possibly can. Well the lolita girl is holding a knife, and she's just like whoa. Oh. Wait. Your cooking everything is cool. The lolita isn't saying anything to her, but she just feels that it is okay to just be cool and keep going about as if everything is okay. I don't understand how anyone would be comfortable standing in the same room as someone so filthy and scary as that woman. Just thinking about her is giving me the chills.
Well they decide to have dinner...which didn't turn out very well. Hikari ended up trying to chat, which didn't go very well because she just ended up pissing off the lolita lady. Well, that's when things started going down hill for Hikari. She couldn't get in touch with her brother from the phone, and the lolita was acting crazy!
Well. She was always crazy from the beginning so I guess all in all she was just acting her normal self lol. So this is when they start seeing the crazy things happen. The things that she do to herself, the things that she say, and the way she tries to hurt other people. I would have been screaming for my brother, even though that wouldn't have helped in the first place. It would have made me feel better, but probably made the entire situation worst.
So Hikari went back to stay with their mom. The next time she went to school, the lolita decided to go and get rid of her. was quite twisted and weird I can tell you that. This story is weird and twisted and just out of control on the scary, twisted, awesome scale right now. Im so into this kind of stuff! I was sitting shivering in the covers looking around the room. Then ran and turned on so many lights just to make sure that there was nothing in the halls or anywhere else. I didn't want some crazy lolita lady coming out of freaking no where and attacking me like she was attacking Hikari. Then I called my boyfriend, and told him that I was scared and to stay on the phone until I finished the book just in case something happened. I was that person. The one that couldn't stop reading because I just had to finish the book and see what happened at the end of the story, but also the person that was scared to death because I was reading the book at night. It's kinda even hard just to write this blog about this story, kinda getting scared just having to relive the whole story again lol. Now, everyone that is reading this I want you to stop and take a minute and listen for a second. Listen and look around at your surroundings. Your probably in your room reading this blog right now. you hear that? Do you hear that noise out in the hallway? That noise in the kitchen? Do you guys hear a noise? I do.
So Kazuki and some of his friends decided that they were going to go into this old worn out psych ward or whatever. Would any of you have decided to go into some old, abandoned place after knowing that there is some crazy person coming after you? I know I wouldn't do that. It's like you have a death wish or something. Well, Kazuki did anyway. She pretty much took all of his friends and isolated Kazuki. So now, Kazuki has to figure out a way to try to save himself because everyone else is already dead. What will our poor Kazuki do? He embraced her and said that she was the best sister ever. So she was of course the happiest of the happiest. But after that, she decided that of course she would treat him as her sibling did, and she locked him up in his room and made sure that everything that he did portrayed her as the kind and loving sister that she is, or there was punishment to be paid. She made it to where he would never leave her and then put him inside her doll. Who exactly is this lolita lady anyway? The world may never know right? Some things are just meant to be kept a secret from the world.
Anyone that reads this manga, will instantly become paranoid and worried about things that they here, see, and feel. You will become overwhelmed by fear, and not know exactly what to do. Everywhere you go, you will want someone to come with you. If you thought that you weren't afraid of the dark, think again. Your going to want to keep every light on in the house just to make sure that everything is okay. I am still scared out of my mind. This was one of those manga that I read and wanted to keep in the pile of never to read again, because I always get super paranoid and scared and don't want to hear things in the house because then I have to go and make sure that there is no one in the house. Of course, you have to take protection. Wouldn't want some lolita jumping out and killing you for no reason in the world.
Thank you for reading this section of my blog. I really appreciate it. And for all of you that are scared out of your mind. Just make sure that you keep one eye opened as you trek through your house and the outside area. She is always watching you...
Even now, it seems like this picture is moving closer and closer.
Did this scare anyone? Comment and tell me your views. Tell me how im doing :)