Friday, February 7, 2014

Hidden Meaning (Manga) MATURE

This manga is...very graphic. So this is definitely not for children. If you are reading this for the thrill of seeing something happen, then you have definitely come to the right place. In this manga It's about an office lady, and a writer. To be totally honest about this manga...I couldn't tell what the heck was going on. They were sitting there talking all professional like, then all of a sudden they started doing it while STILL talking all professional like. I was like whoa, already and this is only the second page pretty much. Anyway though, as I continue, things just continue to escalate until their fully doing it and everything. What is this manga about? A writer that keeps putting the office lady from real life into the stories. She asks to stop because she doesn't want anyone at the office to find out what they have between them. I didn't really get a name from the characters, and I also can't tell you anything about the characters other than the fact that there is a writer and office lady. The fact that I couldn't even tell if the writer was a girl or boy...that's pretty bad. I think it was a girl...but not entirely sure to be honest. If any of you reading this knows and decides to read this manga, comment and let me know what you think. There isn't really a plot in this story either. It's just a manga that wants to show two people doing it really. That's the whole plot of the story because everything else in the story is just down right pointless. I recommend this for those people that just want to see some action...but if your reading this to read about a love scene or something...go somewhere else.

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